Kubernetes Web Portal using JS & Py-CGI
In my Docker Web Portal, I took input from the user via key:value pair. In this web app, I have used a smarter approach. Here you can write/speak English statements and the Python CGI Code will understand the statement & convert it into commands and present the commands & their output on the web app.
2 min readJul 6, 2021
Frontend ➡
- JavaScript
Backend ➡
- Python CGI
- Kubernetes
Using Python CGI Codes I am taking input from the client (via the web portal) in the form of English Statements & the code runs the particular kubectl commands and gives the output back to JS functions that display it on the webpage.
Features of the Website:
- Display all pods, deployment, service
- Create pods, deployment, services
- Expose deployments
- Scale the deployment
- Delete particular/all resources
Pre-requisites to run the web app
- Create appropriate firewall rules & SELinux rules, or for simplicity switch it off.
- Setup the Apache webserver for the codes to run.
- Install kubectl command line and configure the kubectl to use either a local minikube cluster or a cloud-based cluster.
- Then you need the configuration files, keys & certificates in the proper folder and kubeconfig path properly set, to use the kubectl command line.
# kubectl version
- Using this command check whether you can connect to the server.
After this, using simple if…else conditions, I am converting the English statements into the proper kubectl commands that will be run on the background by the CGI codes.
For the complete action you can refer to the video below :
This project is done along with Khushi Thareja.
Do comment and share it if you like. 😃
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